Visits and Holy Communion for the Sick
Home visits for the sick
If you are ill and housebound, or have a relative or friend who is ill, please contact the Parish Office and a visit will be arranged. Holy Communion can be brought regularly to those who are ill and housebound in our parish who are unable to attend Mass.
Going into hospital?
If you are going into hospital, please contact the Parish Office in order to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick before you go in. He can also let the Hospital Chaplain know so that you will be visited while you are there.
In an emergency
If a relative is in imminent danger of death and would like to see a priest please call the Presbytery.
The seriously sick and the dying
At times we have to face the anxiety of serious illness, either for ourselves or for those we love. The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales have a helpful and understanding website. The parish is here to offer help and consolation in any way we can so please do not hesitate with us.